November 19, 2018

RANT: Inshore Fishing Has Never Been Easier

So stop being a sissy and launch the boat already, or read on to see exactly what’s so annoying.

If you were born before the 90's then you have the fortune of knowing what life was like without the Internet.

The Internet hasn't left anything untouched, completely changing everything from banking to education to the fabric of society itself.

A lot of this change has been good, and if there is one thing it's changed dramatically it would be inshore fishing.

Why Inshore Fishing Is Easy These Days

Inshore fishing has never been easier!

Today we have all kinds of physical and informational technology to help us safely navigate the marsh and catch fish.

Better Equipment

There are trolling motors that "spot lock" and fish finders that basically see fish, like in the picture below.

Humminbird Helix 10 MEGA SI Screenshot

Navigation Made Simple

Getting from Point A to Point B in a totally new area isn't hard anymore.

Can you trace with your finger?


You can now navigate anywhere in Louisiana when armed with a decent GPS and a mapping chip.

Use Google Earth to Create Custom GPS Routes for Fishing

And you don't even need that: a basic handheld GPS and custom route creation using Google Earth is over kill. 

Morgan Harbor Recon

If you've never had to shoot a resection with a lensatic compass then you are truly lost (no pun intended) as to how easy navigation has become.

Count yourself blessed!

Easy Information

Finding information has never been easier because all you have to do is "google it".

We're not talking quantum mechanics, we're talking about typing a keyword into a box and pressing Enter.

Still not sure? Here's a demo made just for you.

Then there's social media...

Social media is another excellent resource for inshore anglers.

Between YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook there's enough info for anyone to get an idea of not only where fish are biting, but how to fish the spots they want to try.

Sure, there's a lot of crap to sift through, but that effort only requires one to move their thumbs a little more.

Swipe your way to fishing success!

So What's Holding People Back?


That's it.

Just themselves.

There's no Big Bad Wolf in the marsh anymore, folks.

With all the resources and information available the worst thing anyone has to endure is a tough fishing trip.

Yes, there are excuses: "Well I want to make sure the two hour drive to <insert fishing destination> is worth it."

Imagine grinding all day for one stinkin' bass! But that's fishing...

Two hours? That's it?! Ha ha ha!!

Earlier this year I took an eight hour drive to a lake to get my ass whipped for three days straight before returning home with my tail tucked between my legs.

And I accepted it. Took responsibility for it. Enjoyed it.​

Because it's a fishing trip, not a prison sentence.

But yet we still see the posts, "I was wondering..." and "Should I go fishing" or "Will it be worth it?"

All my man-brain hears is "I can't make decisions for myself and need my hand held because I'm scared a fish twelve inches long will kick my ass".

This Is Why Inshore Fishing Is So Great

You can be rich, you can be poor.

You can be black, hispanic or grey alien.

It doesn't matter to the fish, not an iota. 

All that matters is if a bait is put in front of her or not.

If you're not there to cast a line, you cannot possibly catch her.

So reach down deep, grab your balls and launch the damn boat already!

End rant. :)

Captain Devin

About the Author

Devin is a former fishing guide and lifelong inshore angler. He founded Louisiana Fishing Blog in 2012 to share his ideas as a charter captain and still writes in it today. Since then he's created a fishing university — LAFB Elite — where he teaches inshore anglers how to safely navigate Louisiana's coast and catch more fish.

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End The Frustration, Start Getting Results!

see what these members of my paid courses have to say...

The courses inside LAFB Elite, especially Inshore Fishing 101, are very complete. There's a lot of information in them, so I recommend taking it slow and using what you learn out on the water.

Otherwise it will leave your brain exploding with knowledge. But it all does make more sense when you get out on water and see it happen before your eyes.

The difference is that with Devin's courses you'll know what to look for and what to expect. This makes fishing more productive.


Robbie LarsonMississippi Angler

I learned that I couldn't see the marsh for the bayou. What I mean by that is I was unknowingly doing a lot of things wrong with poor results and just chalked it up to a bad day of fishing. Devin presents a ton of concepts that the average fisherman either overlooks, isn't executing properly or is flat out ignorant of.

Inshore Fishing 101 isn't just a bunch of random tips! It is an intricate web of interconnected actions, equipment, locations, biology, conditions, techniques, technology, and experience that come together to give you the best chance of filling the box with fish on a consistent basis.

He shows how simple it is: you don't need a 24 ft bay boat, you don't need 500 different color lures, you don't need the most expensive gear, all you need to is a rod, a reel a lure and a little moving water, clean water and lots of bait in the area.

Randy AhrabiSmall Business Owner
