August 14, 2018

Do These Three Things to Get Invited Fishing Again

Finally invited to go fishing? Do these things and it's virtually guaranteed you'll get to go again!

If you're like me, the circle of people you fish with is a small one.

This isn't because you're the Ebenezer Scrooge of inshore fishing, but maybe because you've been stood up or short-changed so many times that you quit trying on newcomers to your fishing trips.

I don't blame you.

It's irritating to put the effort you do into preparing for tomorrow's fishing trip, just to have the invitee not show up. 

It's even worse when you're patronized as the "fishing guy", as if your boat runs on magic, or anything other than gas, only to be left at the dock without any help for cleanup.

So, I'm positive you'd agree with me that if more people did these three things I've written below, they'd be invited back onto your boat.

This is easy advice for anyone who wants to be invited onto a fishing trip (and again).

Show up on Time

Keeping a boat waiting is incredibly bad etiquette!

If I were invited to go fishing with someone, especially someone I don't know very well, I'd be certain to arrive fifteen minutes early.

Besides, fish have no concept of time and will feed when they feed, regardless of the reason you were late.

But if you are late......acknowledge it and promise not to do it again (then don't do it again).

In my experience, taking responsibility for one's tardiness can mend this fishing faux pas.

Contribute to the Trip

I usually don't split expenses if I ask someone to go fishing with me because, the way I see it, I was going to go fishing anyways.

Elbow grease is always appreciated and I do ask they help me clean the boat, put everything away, et cetera.

Food is good, too. Sometimes a couple sandwiches go a long way.

Especially if they're excellent sandwiches.

However, not everyone is the same and if you feel expenses are something to be split, bring it up before the trip, so there is no awkward post-trip conversation at the dock.

Be Prepared to Fish Hard

Nothing says, "I don't appreciate this fishing trip" more than quitting.

This is a pet peeve of mine and it's safe to say the majority of inshore anglers share this sentiment.

When I go to fish, I go to fish hard!

Everything else becomes secondary and sometimes I become adamant about performing.

So keep in mind, if you're invited to go fishing with someone, you can't go wrong by out-lasting them in the marsh!

They may think you to be some kind of fishing prodigy that the sun, wind and waves cannot beat down, and feel they may need you to be there next weekend!


Fishing trips are better when they start on a good note, and one way to do that is by acknowledging and respecting the needs of the inviter.

While I like the three points I made, it's safe to say there are a few more to be added.

I know there are experienced eyes reading this article and, if that happens to be you, I'd love for you to comment below to share your best advice.

Tight lines, y'all!

Captain Devin

About the Author

Devin is a former fishing guide and lifelong inshore angler. He founded Louisiana Fishing Blog in 2012 to share his ideas as a charter captain and still writes in it today. Since then he's created a fishing university — LAFB Elite — where he teaches inshore anglers how to safely navigate Louisiana's coast and catch more fish.

  • If I want a second invite, it is pretty easy. I pay for the truck gas, boat gas, food, bait, etc. I help clean up, trailer the boat, etc. If you do this, you will get a second try. If you do it every time, you will get invited forever as the first choice of the boat owner. It is a heck of a lot cheaper than buying a boat, storing it, and maintaining it. The boat owner still pays the most, and visitors have to understand this. But with this attitude, you can become the first choice to invite every time you go with someone. You will end up turning down many invites just because you can’t schedule them all. Has everyone today forgotten common courtesy? This is the kind of thing my parents taught me when I was a kid. Manners matter.

  • Make friends at the dock.

    Consistently post fishing reports, especially inside LAFB Inshore, since it’s a social platform.

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