Get the best saltwater fishing tackle for catching speckled trout, redfish and other saltwater species
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The best inshore fishing tackle is what you need to successfully fish the marsh of Louisiana. Now, this doesn't mean spending a pretty penny on something you'll only use a few times.
No, "best" does not imply expensive.
Instead, I am referring to investing in saltwater fishing tackle that has the most bang for your buck and catches fish the best.
Read the blog posts below to get started.
Join my email list to learn about the best fishing tackle from an expert who actually uses his to catch limits of speckled trout and redfish:

Paul Cummins
Small Business Owner
If you're tired of wasting money on bullsh*t baits that catch more fishermen than fish or fishing spots you heard were good last week and don't catch anything this week, then sign up for Captain Devin's newsletter, you won't regret it.
how i learned what makes the best inshore fishing tackle
There's a lot of inshore fishing tackle out there, not to mention generic fishing tackle in the first place! Take a look down the aisle of any tackle store and the selection can be daunting.
How can one possibly know which fishing tackle is the best?
Well, it takes two things:
- An open mind
- Lots of experience
I've been fortunate enough to spend a lot of time on the water, and not any ol' "time on water", but time spent trying new techniques, exploring new places and, most helpful, fishing with like-minded anglers.
Why is having an open mind important to know which inshore fishing tackle is the best?
Because fishermen tend to become comfortable with what they know.
After all, if it's not broke, then why fix it?
So the advantages of fishing with different kinds of tackle are never realized because they are never tried in the first place.
But I'm not scared to try new things, whether it's throwing only a jig (and no live bait), deep cranking points in Lake Conroe for monster bass or fishing the clearest water in Florida.
Because of those experiences, I've learned what makes the best inshore fishing tackle that catches more specks and reds here in Louisiana.

Big speckled trout like this can only be caught consistently if you are putting in the time to try new baits and master their techniques.
Why would I need extra tackle when live bait is the best?
That would be the case if live bait were the best method to catch speckled trout and redfish, but it's not.
I know, that sounds crazy but it's true. Hear me out:
For novices who are just beginning their journey in inshore fishing, I'd say, "yes", that live bait is the best option they have.
If that weren't the case I would not personally recommend the use of live bait in Inshore Fishing 101.
But they won't be novices forever, and experience will reveal (if they are paying attention) that live bait can't create the same presentations as that of a drop shot for speckled trout, jigging Matrix Shad or throwing swimbaits in thick grass.
So yes, it takes time to learn the finer details of the best inshore fishing tackle, but the pay off is worth it when you start catching more fish because of it.
How do i know which inshore fishing tackle is the best for catching speckled trout, redfish and other inshore species?
Easy, begin reading my published blog posts on this very subject (located above) or read the newest ones when they come out.
The only way I can do that is if we stay in touch, so consider signing up so I know where to send a link when my next blog post about the best inshore fishing tackle goes live.
Tight lines!
- Captain Devin
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